Im Unity 2D selbst zur Ubuntu 12.04 gibt es immer noch keine Möglichkeit, die Icon Size im Launcher zu ändern. Ein Post auf beschäftigt sich mit einem Skript, dass die Iconsize (systemweit) ändert
#!/usr/bin/python import shutil import sys import os def getparent (content, line_nr): for i in range (line_nr - 1, -1, -1): if "{" in content[i].lstrip(): return content[i].lstrip().split(" ")[0] def change_line (content, key, value, parent): line_nr = 0 for line in content: if line.lstrip().startswith(key + ":"): lparent = getparent(content, line_nr) if parent == lparent: content[line_nr] = key + ": " + value + "\n" return content line_nr = line_nr + 1 def load_file (filename): file = open (filename, "r") content = file.readlines() file.close() return content def write_file (filename, content): shutil.copyfile (filename, filename + ".bak") file = open (filename, "w") for line in content: file.write (line) file.close() return shell_qml = "/usr/share/unity-2d/shell/Shell.qml" icontile_qml = "/usr/share/unity-2d/shell/common/IconTile.qml" launcherlist_qml = "/usr/share/unity-2d/shell/launcher/LauncherList.qml" launcheritem_qml = "/usr/share/unity-2d/shell/launcher/LauncherItem.qml" if (len(sys.argv) > 1): icon_size = int(sys.argv[1]) else: sys.exit("Please enter your desired icon size as the first argument.") if not os.geteuid() == 0: sys.exit("Script must be run as root.") content = load_file (shell_qml) content = change_line (content, "width", str (icon_size + 16), "LauncherLoader") write_file (shell_qml, content) content = load_file (icontile_qml) content = change_line (content, "sourceSize.width", str (icon_size), "Image") content = change_line (content, "sourceSize.height", str (icon_size), "Image") write_file (icontile_qml, content) content = load_file (launcherlist_qml) content = change_line (content, "property int tileSize", str (icon_size + 6), "AutoScrollingListView") content = change_line (content, "property int selectionOutlineSize", str (icon_size + 16), "AutoScrollingListView") write_file (launcherlist_qml, content)
Dieses Skript habe ich z.B. auf meinen TS als /root/ abgespeichert
Alternative zu Fuß:
Hier ein Post in Google+, der sich damit beschäftigt, über ein paar Hacks an Systemdateien die Einstellungen (fest) auf eine hübschere Größe zu setzen: